Lab News

April 2023: Congratulations to Asiya Badarunnisa for passing her comprehensive exam with flying colors

March 2023: Holly Thomas won the Best Overall Talk at the GeoDaze conference

March 2023: Kay Poonawala was runner-up for the Best Undergraduate Poster at the GeoDaze conference

March 2023: Asiya Badarunnisa was awarded the Mélange Scholarship

January 2023: Michelle Uddin started as an undergraduate researcher in the lab

October 2022: New paper in JAMES: Impact of Grids and Dynamical Cores in CESM2.2 on the Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet | PDF

June 2022: New paper in Nature Geoscience: The importance of Canadian Arctic Gateways for glacial expansion in Scandinavia | PDF

June 2022: New paper in PNAS: Human-induced ecological cascades: extinction, restoration, and rewilding in the Galápagos highlands | PDF

April, 2022: Allison Berry, Holly Thomas, Asiya BS, Brenna Freeman, and Tyrel Malmgren presented their research at the GeoDaze conference

April 2022: Kay Poonawala accepted an undergraduate researcher position and will start in fall 2022

March 2022: Hope Simonoko accepted a MS position and will join the Earth System Dynamics Lab in fall 2022

February 2022: New paper in AGU Advances: Marginal reefs under stress: physiological limits render Galápagos corals susceptible to warming and acidification | PDF

Research Interests

Dynamic meteorology: midlatitude circulation; large-scale atmospheric circulation regimes; atmospheric stationary waves; flow-topography interactions; Rossby-wave breaking; critical layer reflection; wave guides; jet stream and storm track dynamics; atmosphere–ocean–land–ice-sheet interactions Climatology: atmospheric and oceanic circulation regimes; sea-level rise from melting polar ice sheets; climate feedbacks

Paleo-climatology: atmospheric and oceanic circulation regimes in warm and cold climates; the LGM climate, the pre-LGM glacial climate; the mutual interaction between continental-scale ice sheets and the time-mean atmospheric circulation; conditions for glacial inception: local climate conditions, connection to atmospheric and oceanic circulation regimes, the importance of Arctic gateways for the North Atlantic climate; jet streams and storm tracks in past climates

Numerical modeling: model development and optimization; model hierarchies and applications; biases in climate/circulation models (from idealized/simplified to comprehensive general circulation models)