

(34) Harley, G., K. L. DeLong, M. Lofverstrom, C. A. Reese, S. J. Bentley Sr., K. Xie, S. Gonzalez, J. T. Troung, K. J. Heeter, A. L. Kaiser, and A. Caporaso: Rapid decline and mortality of a Pleistocene-aged Taxodium distichum L. (Rich.) forest now submerged in the northern Gulf of Mexico, USA, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science | PDF | online
(33) Bradley, S., R. Sellevold, M. Petrini, M. Vizcino, S. Georgiou, J. Zhu, J., B.L. Otto-Bliesner and M. Lofverstrom (2024): Surface mass balance and climate of the Last Glacial Maximum northern hemisphere ice sheets: simulations with CESM2.1, Clim. Past, 20, 211–235, doi:10.5194/cp-20-211-2024 | PDF | online
(32) Oster, J., S. Macarewich, M. Lofverstrom, C. de Wet, I. Montanez, J.M. Lora, C. Skinner and C. Tabor (2023): North Atlantic meltwater during Heinrich Events drives wetter climate with more atmospheric rivers in western North America, Science Advances, 9, eadj2225, doi:10.1126/sciadv.adj2225 | PDF | online
(31) Liu, Z., Y. Bao, L.G. Thompson, E. Mosley-Thompson, C. Tabor, G.J. Zhang, M. Yan, M. Lofverstrom, I. Montanez and J. Oster (2023): Tropical mountain ice core d18O: A Goldilocks indicator for global temperature change Science Advances, 9, eadi6725, doi:10.1126/sciadv.adi6725 | PDF | online
(30) Lofverstrom, M. and J. Zhu (2023). Tropical precipitation woes in the Community Earth System Model version 2. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104416, | PDF | online
(29) Herrington, A.R., P.H. Lauritzen, M. Lofverstrom, W.H. Lipscomb, A. Gettelman, and M.A. Taylor (2022): Impact of grids and dynamical cores in CESM2.2 on the surface mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14, e2022MS003192, | PDF | online
(28) Lofverstrom, M., D. M. Thompson, B. L. Otto-Bliesner, and E. C. Brady: The importance of Canadian Arctic Gateways for glacial expansion in Scandinavia, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/s41561-022-00956-9 | PDF | online
(27) Bush, M.B., S. Conrad, A. Restrepo, D.M Thompson, M. Lofverstrom, J. L. Conroy (2022): Human-induced ecological cascades: extinction, restoration, and rewilding in the Galápagos highlands, PNAS, Vol. 119, No. 24, e2203752119, doi:10.1073/pnas.2203752119 | PDF | online
(26) Thompson, D.M., M. McCulloch, J.E. Cole, E.V. Reed, J. D'Olivo, K. Dyez, M. Lofverstrom, J. Lough, N. Cantin, A.W. Tudhope, A.H. Cheung, L. Vetter, and R.L. Edwards (2022): Marginal reefs under stress: physiological limits render Galápagos corals susceptible to warming and acidification, AGU Advances, e2021AV000509, doi: 10.1029/2021AV000509 | PDF | online
(25) Sommers, A., B. Otto-Bliesner, B., W.H. Lipscomb, M. Lofverstrom, S. Shafer, P. Bartlein, E. Brady, E. Kluzek, G. Leguy, K. Thayer-Calder, and R.Tomas (2021): Retreat and Regrowth of the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial Simulated by Coupled Climate and Ice Sheet Modeling, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology | PDF | online
(24) Tabor, C., M. Lofverstrom, J. Oster, B. Wortham, C. de Wet, I. Montanez, A. Rhoades, C. Zarzycki, C. He, and Z. Liu (2021): A Mechanistic Understanding of Oxygen Isotopic Changes in the Western United States at the Last Glacial Maximum, Quaternary Science Review (invited) | PDF | online
(23) Menemenlis, S., J. Lora, M. Lofverstrom, and D. Chandan (2021): Influence of Stationary Waves on mid-Pliocene Atmospheric Rivers and Hydroclimate, Global and Planetary Changel, 204, 103557, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103557 | PDF | online
(22) Muntjewerf, L., W. J. Sacks, M. Lofverstrom, J.G. Fyke, W.H. Lipscomb, C. Ernani da Silva, M. Vizcaino, K. Thayer-Calder, and J. T. M. Lenaerts (2021): Description and demonstration of the coupled Community Earth System Model v2 – Community Ice Sheet Model v2 (CESM2-CISM2). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13, e2020MS002356, doi: 10.1029/2020MS002356 | PDF | online
(21) Kageyama, M., S. P. Harrison, M. Kapsch, M. Lofverstrom, J. M. Lora, U. Mikolajewicz, S. Sherriff-Tadano, T. Vadsaria, A. Abe-Ouchi, N. Bouttes, D. Chandan, L. Gregoire, R. Ivanovic, K. Izumi, A. N. LeGrande, F. Lhardy, G. Lohmann, P. A. Morozova, R. Ohgaito, A. Paul, W. R. Peltier, C. J. Poulsen, A. Quiquet, D. M. Roche, X. Shi, J. E. Tierney, P. J. Valdes, E. Volodin and J. Zhu (2021): The PMIP4 Last Glacial Maximum experiments: preliminary results and comparison with the PMIP3 simulations, Clim. Past, 17, 1065–1089, doi: 10.5194/cp-17-1065-2021 | PDF | online.
(20) Zhu, J., B. Otto-Bliesner, E. Brady, C. Poulsen, J. Tierney, M. Lofverstrom, P. DiNezio (2021): Assessing equilibrium climate sensitivity of the Community Earth System Model version 2 through simulation of the last glacial maximum, Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (3), e2020GL091220, doi: 10.1029/2020GL091220 | PDF | online.
(19) Dow, W., A. Maycock, M. Lofverstrom, and C. J. Smith (2021): The effect of anthropogenic aerosols on the Aleutian Low, J. Climate, 34 (5), pp 1725-1741, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0423.1 | PDF | online.
(18) Muntjewerf, L. Sellevold, R., Vizcaino, M., Ernani da Silva,C., Petrini, M., Thayer-Calder, K., Scherrenberg, M., Bradley, S., Fyke, J., Lipscomb, W., Lofverstrom, M., and Sacks, W. J. (2020): Accelerated Greenland ice sheet mass loss under high greenhouse gas forcing as simulated by the coupled CESM2.1-CISM2.1, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, e2019MS002031, doi: 10.1029/2019MS002031 | PDF | online.
(17) Lofverstrom, M., J. Fyke, K. Thayer-Calder, L. Muntjewerf, M. Vizcaino, W. J. Sacks, W. H. Lipscomb, B. L. Otto-Bliesner, and S. L. Bradley (2020): An efficient ice-sheet/Earth system model spinup procedure for CESM2-CISM2: description, evaluation and broader applicability, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, e2019MS001984, doi: 10.1029/2019MS001984 | PDF | online.
(16) Rehfeld, K., R. Hebert, J. Lora, M. Lofverstrom, and C. Brierley (2020): Variability of surface climate in simulations of past and future, Earth Syst. Dynam., 11, 447–468, doi: 10.5194/esd-11-447-2020 | PDF | online.
(15) Muntjewerf, L., M. Petrini, M. Vizcaino, C. Ernani da Silva, R. Sellevold, M. Scherrenberg, K. Thayer-Calder, S. Bradley, J. Lenaerts, W. H. Lipscomb, and M. Lofverstrom (2020): Greenland Ice Sheet Contribution to 21st Century Sea Level Rise as Simulated by the Coupled CESM2.1-CISM2.1, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2019GL086836, doi: 10.1029/2019GL086836 | PDF | online.
(14) Tulenko, J.P., M. Lofverstrom, and J.P. Briner (2020): Ice sheet influence on atmospheric circulation explains the patterns of Pleistocene alpine glacier records in North America, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 534, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116115 | PDF | online.
(13) Lofverstrom, M. (2020): A dynamic link between precipitation extremes in western North America and Europe at the Last Glacial Maximum, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 534, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116081 | PDF | online.
(12) Liakka, J. and M. Lofverstrom (2018): Arctic warming induced by the Laurentide ice sheet topography, Clim. Past 14, 887–900, doi: 10.5194/cp-14-887-2018 | PDF | online.
(11) Fyke, J.G., O. Sergienko, M. Lofverstrom, J. Lenaerts, and S. Price (2018): An overview of interactions and feedbacks between ice sheets and the Earth system, Reviews of Geophysics 56, doi: 10.1029/2018RG000600 | PDF | online.
(10) Lofverstrom, M., and J. Liakka (2018): The influence of atmospheric grid resolution in a climate model-forced ice sheet simulation, The Cryosphere, 12, 1499–1510, doi: 10.5194/tc-12-1499-2018 (highlighted) | PDF | online.
(9) Lofverstrom, M., and J. M. Lora (2017): Abrupt regime shifts in the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation over the last deglaciation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi: 10.1002/2017GL074274 | PDF | online.
(8) Otto-Bliesner, B., A. Jahn, R. Feng, E. Brady, A. Hu, and M. Lofverstrom (2016): Changes in Arctic Gateways Amplify North Atlantic Warming in the Late Pliocene, Geophys. Res. Letters, 44, doi: 10.1002/2016GL071805 (highlighted) | PDF | online.
(7) Lofverstrom, M., and J. Liakka (2016): On the limited ice intrusion in Alaska at the Last Glacial Maximum, Geophys. Res. Letters, 43, doi: 10.1002/2016GL071012 | PDF | online.
(6) Lofverstrom, M., R. Caballero, J. Nilsson, and G. Messori (2016): Stationary wave reflection as a mechanism for zonalising the Atlantic winter jet at the LGM, J. Atm. Sci., 73, 3329–3342, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-15-0295.1 | PDF | online.
(5) Liakka, J., M. Lofverstrom, and F. Colleoni (2016): The impact of the North American glacial topography on the evolution of the Eurasian ice sheet over the last glacial cycle, Clim. Past., 12, 1225–1241, doi: 10.5194/cp-12-1225-2016 | PDF | online.
(4) Pausata, F., and M. Lofverstrom (2015): On the enigmatic similarity in Greenland d18O between the Oldest and Younger Dryas, Geophys. Res. Letters, 42, doi: 10.1002/2015GL066042 | PDF | online.
(3) Lofverstrom, M., J. Liakka, and J. Kleman (2015): The North American Cordillera – an impediment to growing the continent-wide Laurentide Ice Sheet, J. Climate, 28, 9433–9450, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0044.1 | PDF | online.
(2) Lofverstrom, M., R. Caballero, J. Nilsson, and J. Kleman (2014): Evolution of the large-scale atmospheric circulation in response to changing ice sheets over the last glacial cycle, Clim. Past, 10, 1453–1471, doi: 10.5194/cp-10-1453-2014 | PDF | online.
(1) Liakka, J., J. Nilsson, and M. Lofverstrom (2011): Interactions between stationary waves and ice sheets: linear versus nonlinear atmospheric response, Clim. Dyn., 38, 1249–1262, doi: 10.1007/s00382-011-1004-6 | PDF | online.

In preparation / in review

Badarunnisa, A., M. Lofverstrom, D. Thompson: Evaluating the representation of South American summer precipitation characteristics in the CMIP6 pre-industrial simulations, Journal of Climate (in preparation)
Berry, A, and M. Lofverstrom: The influence of precipitation on Greenland Ice Sheet regrowth during the Last Interglacial Period, In preparation for EPSL
Cole, Thompson, Dyez, Tripp, Tudhope, Lofverstrom, Stevenson, Okun, Lawson, Conroy, Jimenez, Edward: Recent intensification of eastern Pacific ENSO is unprecedented across the last millennium, In preparation for Nature Communication
Kojima, A. C, D. M. Thompson, and Lofverstrom, M.: Characterizing the temporal variability of western equatorial Pacific Trade Winds via spectral analysis, , in preparation for J. Climate
Kojima, A. C, D. M. Thompson, J. E. Carilli, M. Lofverstrom, T. M. Marchitto, H. R. Sayani, G. A. Farfan, Z. E. Benson, V. G. Javier, M. M. Weerabaddana, D. L. Dettman, and K. M. Cobb, Coral Mn/Ca: A Window into Pacific Trade-wind Behavior, in preparation for J. Climate
Lofverstrom, M., J., Liakka, and A. Lewinschal: Linear University Model of the Atmosphere (LUMA), in preparation for Geoscientific Model Development
Lofverstrom, M., C. Tabor, J. Oster, I. Montanez, B. Wortham, and C. de Wet: Thermal and topographic control of the large-scale atmospheric circulation over the last deglaciation, in preparation for J. Climate
Meegan Kumar, D., J.E. Tierney, T. Bhattacharya, M. Lofverstrom, J. Zhu, and J. W. Murray: Response of the North American Monsoon to Glacial–Interglacial Climate Forcings, (in preparation)
Richey J., K. Thirumalai, M. Lofverstrom, S. Truebe, and J. Cole: Holocene Deterioration of the Rio Grande outflow into the Gulf of Mexico: A multiproxy perspective, in preparation for Nature
Odalen, M., and M. Lofverstrom: The link between ocean carbon storage and circulation in future climate scenarios simulated with the Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2), in preparation for Geophysical Research Letters
Russell, J., D.G. Long, P. Chang, M. Cowell, E. Curchitser, M.S. Dinniman, C. Fellows, P.J. Goodman, E.E. Hofmann, Z. Jelenak, J. Klinck, N. Lovenduski, M. Lofverstrom, M. Mazloff, S. Petroy, A. Polit, E. Rodriguez, O. Schofield, A. Stoffelen, R.J. Stouffer, R. Wanninkhof, C. Weimer, X. Zeng: Measuring Winds from Space to Reduce the Uncertainty in the Southern Ocean Carbon Fluxes: Science Requirements and Proposed Mission, Geophysical Research Letters (in preparation)
Thompson, D., J. D’Olivo, M. Lofverstrom, E.V. Reed, J.E. Cole, Gavin L. Foster, M. McCulloch, N. Cantin, K. Dyez, J. Lough: Metabolic processes dictate corals’ capacity to upregulate their internal growth medium, Nature Climate Change (in review)
Thomas, H. and M. Lofverstrom: Low Top Limitations: Variations in Sudden Stratospheric Warming Signatures Across Different Atmospheric Configurations of the Community Earth System Model, Versions 2, Geophysical Research Letters (in preparation)
Wilcox, P. and M. Lofverstrom: Significant ice sheet melt in the Cordilleran during the Younger Dryas driven by regional atmospheric reorganization (in preparation)

Other publications

Lofverstrom, M. and K. Thirumalai: Thermal forcing modulates the North American Monsoon, Matters Arising
M. Lofverstrom and D. Thompson (2022): Closed ocean gateways in the Canadian archipelago are key to glaciation in Scandinavia, Nature Geoscience Research Briefing | PDF | online.
Otto-Bliesner, B., M. Lofverstrom, P. Bakker, and R. Feng (2019): Arctic warming and the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Interglacial as simulated by climate models: Responses and feedbacks to orbital forcing, PAGES Science Highlights: Past Sea-Level Changes | online.
Fyke, J.G., O. Sergienko, M. Lofverstrom, J. Lenaerts, and S. Price (2018): Icy interactions, Eos, 99, doi: 10.1029/2018EO100915 | online.
Lofverstrom, M. (2014): On the interaction between ice sheets and the large-scale atmospheric circulation over the last glacial cycle, PhD thesis, ISBN: 978-91-7649-010-5 | online.
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